Tag Archives: Android

CPU Information

I have spent the past few weeks improving major parts of this app and I am finally at the point of releasing the new and shiny interface.

My ultimate goal for this app is to pull in all of the views into 3D and outshine other similar apps in beauty and create the best app for the job ( as usual ). This is a new beginning for the app and I will likely spend the next few months improving it.


I love iron Man like HUD interfaces. As such I am building a library with multiple interfaces for different visualization purposes. The interface above is a switch-board with a connected gyroscope and the Earth centered in it.

After the initial release I want to create a terminal emulation which I can scale at will in 3D space, followed by an audio interface which coverts input from the microphone into a nice 3D visual.

There are many more possibilities and I am having fun creating these playful widgets.


Another area which I want to invest some time in is to work with some custom shaders to bring out some glowing special effects and other goodies.

OpenGL ES 2.0 is a strange beast and not necessarily the easiest environment to learn but it offers some great flexibility in what you can accomplish. The ES, which stands for Embedded Systems, introduces a few changes as compared to the desktop OpenGL implementation.

OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming guide
OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming guide

I am currently going through the “OpenGL ES 2.0 programming guide”, which is a real good book to learn OpenGL. It will help me to realize the remaining widgets and animations to convert the complete app into the 3D realm.

Please give it a try and let me know what you think of it. Also I would love to hear if you have any ideas for a widget which I could implement.

Get it on Google Play

uv4l WebRTC vs rpi-webrtc-streamer

I have spent the past two days working with the uv4l driver to get WebRTC working. I eventually got everything to work with three major issues

  1. I could not get the transmitted quality to anything close to what I needed
  2. I could not get rid of the the watermark which was put over the video
  3. The complete CPU utilization for 640×480 was above 90% and caused issues.

Another slightly annoying issue was that I had to re-install Jessie after I found out that uv4l is currently not available for Raspbian stretch lite. I could only find the full version for Jessie, which requires at least a 8GB microSD card. And off I went to replace my 4GB microSD card.

On the positive side I installed rpi-webrtc-streamer from github and was able to look at the results in realtime right away.

Unlike uv4l, which is based off OpenWebRTC from Ericson, rpi-webrtc-streamer is based off the Native Code from www.WebRTC.org which seems to be a bit more responsive than uv4l.

Here are the steps I had to do to get things to work.

bash>  # First create a home for the code
bash>  mkdir utils && cd utils
bash>  git clone https://github.com/kclyu/rpi-webrtc-streamer.git

You can find the Android App under rpi-webrtc-streamer/misc/AppRTCMobile.apk
But first lets avoid the work and go straight to installing the software.

Go to https://github.com/kclyu/rpi-webrtc-streamer-deb and download the appropriate deb-package.

bash>  dpkg -i rws_xxx_armhf.deb
bash>  sudo systemctl start rws

Then simply point your browser at http://<IP Address>:8889/native-peerconnection/

Raspberry PI camera
Raspberry PI camera

I will be going through the setup and usage of the Android App which is part of rpi-webrtc-sstreamer in one of my next blog entries.