
Certain words in leadership indicate certain treats in a person, here are some to look for.

So I was watching a couple of youtube videos from James Randi and I was starting to wonder about Believe Systems and language.


If there is one word I despise, it has to be the word “deserve“. Anytime you hear this word you should immediately raise an alarm bell. The other person is either trying to sell you an over priced item or is about to lie to you.

“You deserve a bigger kitchen”, “You deserve this vacation”, “You deserve that fast car” … “You deserve it”.
Well, really ? Interestingly why does my employer not think so ? Or if you believe I deserve it why don’t you go an talk with my boss ?

That leads me right into the next word I don’t particular like : “believe“. Now this is an interesting one.

When Einstein’s thought experiments overturned centuries of accepted physics, he changed the believe system of scientists single handedly ( or mindedly ). So from this analogy I conclude that a believe is a mental representation of reality based on insufficient information to support knowledge.

If you know something I can go and ask for proof, but if you believe something to be true I am stopped right there before the entrance of reason.

So here is the call to every one to stand up and know what you’re saying more often.

In general I believe that mankind would not be able to survive without a believe system. As an example: “There is movement in the bushes. I believe there is danger close, so I better run”. This believe may have saved some unwitting predecessors of yours and thus made it possible for you to read these lines today.

So the believe to know something based on insufficient information in itself is a useful tool. Whats wrong then ?

We live in a highly opinionated world and there are opinions flying around in every sentence spoken. This is directly reflected in our language and in our believe system and it is, after all what makes us individuals, and in greater terms human.

The trouble is that some believe without asking the tough questions they ought to.

Once a certain believe has been planted in our minds it is hard to regain objectivity and look at things the way they actually are. So look at it as a magic trick … or how I would see it as mind control, and look out for these two words deserve, and believe.

An opinion then is created and expressed directly from our believe system(s) and thus only as valid as our mental capability to reflect reality.

Ps. At least when expressing an opinion the other side will usually let you know : “in my opinion …” and what follows then is usually less than accurate otherwise the sentence would contain the word know.