Raspberry PI Zero W as Chromecast

So one of the thing which I tried out was to see if the PI Zero can handle video streaming to our TV.

In order to setup the Raspberry PI Zero W as Chromecast, I followed the series of 7 videos below and plugged it into our large TV. However the result was unusable. The video did only play for a second or two before the whole thing stopped and tried to continue playing.

This is not too surprising considering that the PI Zero has only a single core 1GHz CPU while the instructions assume the PI 2 or 3 which has a quad core CPU to handle the stress.

Step 1 : Raspbian Jessie Lite Install Guide

Step 2: Raspbian Jessie Lite wifi config

Step 3 : Raspbian update upgrade omxplayer

Step 4 : Install youtube download video and python

Step 5 : Raspbian Jessie Lite Golang

Step 6 : Raspberry pi as Youtube TV

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