YouTube can quite be a distraction from the daily chores you have to get done. However if you are down and you are looking for some inspiring videos it is good to spend a few minutes finding motivation.
I love the following motivational video from Mateus Z. :
Now the other video I found very good is the following one.
Where Good Ideas Come From
I have ideas all the time. I am also amazed as to why I don’t have seen certain things yet.
Sometimes I just feel like doing it myself. Why ? Becaus I KNOW I can do it better. I KNOW what I know to be true and I KNOW if I will just invest the time and energy into it I will have made a difference.
— A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. —
Sometimes finding the required motivation is a mouse click away. Other Times it requires some soul searching. Whichever way you go it is important to keep your goals and dreams aligned. Finding motivation will then be a breeze.
Setting and achieving your personal and professional goals is as important as breathing and sleeping. Without a clear goal you will be living like a leaf falling from a tree, flowing wherever the wind carries you.
A goal has to be time bound.

One of the lessons I have learned over the years is that you can set goals and you will miss goals. What is important is to be relentless and never give up. Don’t let the naysayers convince you that you should stop trying.